Abbott, Abell, Acker, Agler, Albrecht, Allen, Ambler, Anderson, Andrus, Argraves, Armour, Armstrong, Aschenbrenner, Atherton, Ayres,
Baker, Ballou, Barge, Bartlett, Bates, Beach, Becker, Bedient, Beemer, Bender, Bennett, Bernardin, Berry, Betz, Beveridge, Bishop, Bissell, Blackman, Bliss, Bly, Bollman, Bond, Book, Bossemeyer, Bothe, Bourne, Bovey, Braffet, Brauer, Brechon, Brecunia, Bridgman, Brierton, Brink, Brookner, Brown, Brubaker, Buner, Buckaloo, Burd, Burger, Burket, Busings, Butler, Card, Carlin, Carnahan, Carpenter, Chaffee, Chaon, Charters, Chase, Cheney, Christiance, Ciapp, Clark, Classen, Clatworthy, Clayton, Cobb, Coe, Cole, Coles, Countryman, Courtright, Crabtree, Crawford, Crombie, Cullom, Cumins, Curran, Dana, Davenport, Deeter, Depuy, Detamore, Detrick, DeWolf, Dimick, Dixon, Dodge, Dolan, Downing, Doyle, Drew, Duffy, Duis, Duncan, Dunning, Dunton, Durin, Durkes, Dysart, Earl, Eastwood, Ebinger, Edwards, Egan, Eicholtz, Eisenberg, Eells, Elliott, Ellsworth, Emerson, Emmert, Epla, Erbes, Ewing, Fargo, Farrand, Fasoldt, Felker, Fifer, Fitzpatrick, Floto, Filson, Fiscel, Fischer, Fisher, Ford, French, Frenzel, Frost, Fry, Fuller, Furley, Gardner, Geer, Gehant, Geiger, Gilman, Gilmore, Girton, Glenn, Gooch, Goodrich, Goodyear, Graves, Gray, Griffith, Grobe, Grove, Gruver, Guyot, Hagerman, Hall, Hallock, Hamilton, Hampton, Harden, Harms, Harper, Hart, Harrington, Harris, Hartman, Hatch, Hausen, Hayes, Heckman, hegert, Hepperlin, Herbst, Hetler, Hewitt, Hill, Hilles, Hillison, Hintz, Hoctor, Hodges, Holdren, Holly, Hoover, Horner, Horton, Howell, Hoyle, Hubbard, Huguet, Hulbert, Hullinger, Hunt, Hussey, Hutton, Hyde, Ingalls, Ives, Jacobs, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Kaylar, Keeler, Keister, Kennedy, Kersten, Kessler, Kettley, King, Klein, Klostermann, Knight, Koehler, Kreiter, Lahman, Lamb, Landau, Landis, Latimer, Lauer, Law, Lawrence, Leake, Levan, Lievan, Lindeman, Little, Lloyd, Luce, Lutz, Lyman, Lyon, Malach, Maloney, Martin, Matteson, McAlpine, McCleary, McCune, McGinnis, McKenney, McKinstry, McMahan, McMartin, McWethy, Means, Mecham, Meister, Mellen, Mensch, Meppen, Merriman, Merriam, Meserole, Messer, Miller, Mills, Missman, Mitchell, Moeller, Mong, Moore, Morgan, Morrill, Morris, Mossholder, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Nealis, Neir, Nelson, Nickey, Noble, Noe, Oglesby, Olsen, Ortgiesen, Paddock, Page, Palmer, Patterson, Petri, Petrie, Pettenger, Petticrew, Phillips, Plummer, Porter, Powell, Powers, Prentice, Prestegard, Preston, Pulver, Quick, Radley, Rafensperger, Ransom, Raymond, Reichard, Reinhart, Reitz, Remmers, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richardson, Richey, Rickard, Riegle, Rikert, Risetter, Roe, Rogers, Rosbrook, Rosenkrans, Root, Ryan, Ryon, Rust, Sanders, Santee, Sawyer, Schick, Schippert, Schmucker, Schoenholz, Schott, Seavey, Seebach, Senger, Senneff, Seybert, Shank, Shaw, Sheap, Shippee, Shippert, Shoemaker, Shultz, Sitts, Smith, Sneed, Southard, Stager, Stainbrook, Steele, Stenger, Sterling, Stetler, Stevens, Stiles, Stitzel, Stone, Stout, Strader, Straw, Strickland, Stroup, Swartwout, Swarts, Sweitzer, Swigart, Swygart, Tait, Talcott, Tayler, Thomas, Thompson, Thorp, Thummel, Timothy, Trainer, Treacy, Trostle, Trouth, Trude, Truman, Tuttle, Uhl, Uline, Utley, Van Buren, Van Epps, Van Patten, Vaughn, Ventler, Vosburgh, Vroom, Wagner, Walker, Warner, Ward, Wasson, Watson, Weigle, Weise, Weishaar, Wells, Welty, Wernick, Wertman, Wetherbee, Weyburn, Whitney, Will, Williams, Williamson, Willman, Wilson, Wiltse, Wingert, Withey, Wood, Woodford, Wooley, Yates, Yetter, Zug Portrait and Biographical Record of Lee County, Illinois Containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies of all the governors of the state and of the presidents of the United States. Published by Biographical Pub. Co., Chicago, IL, 1892, 854 pgs Biographical Surnames (not a complete index)
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