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Lee County, IL


1892 Portrait & Biographical Surnames

Abbott, Abell, Acker, Agler, Albrecht, Allen, Ambler, Anderson, Andrus, Argraves, Armour, Armstrong, Aschenbrenner, Atherton, Ayres,

Baker, Ballou, Barge, Bartlett, Bates, Beach, Becker, Bedient, Beemer, Bender, Bennett, Bernardin, Berry, Betz, Beveridge, Bishop, Bissell, Blackman, Bliss, Bly, Bollman, Bond, Book, Bossemeyer, Bothe, Bourne, Bovey, Braffet, Brauer, Brechon, Brecunia, Bridgman, Brierton, Brink, Brookner, Brown, Brubaker, Buner, Buckaloo, Burd, Burger, Burket, Busings, Butler,

Card, Carlin, Carnahan, Carpenter, Chaffee, Chaon, Charters, Chase, Cheney, Christiance, Ciapp, Clark, Classen, Clatworthy, Clayton, Cobb, Coe, Cole, Coles, Countryman, Courtright, Crabtree, Crawford, Crombie, Cullom, Cumins, Curran,

Dana, Davenport, Deeter, Depuy, Detamore, Detrick, DeWolf, Dimick, Dixon, Dodge, Dolan, Downing, Doyle, Drew, Duffy, Duis, Duncan, Dunning, Dunton, Durin, Durkes, Dysart,

Earl, Eastwood, Ebinger, Edwards, Egan, Eicholtz, Eisenberg, Eells, Elliott, Ellsworth, Emerson, Emmert, Epla, Erbes, Ewing,

Fargo, Farrand, Fasoldt, Felker, Fifer, Fitzpatrick, Floto, Filson, Fiscel, Fischer, Fisher, Ford, French, Frenzel, Frost, Fry, Fuller, Furley,

Gardner, Geer, Gehant, Geiger, Gilman, Gilmore, Girton, Glenn, Gooch, Goodrich, Goodyear, Graves, Gray, Griffith, Grobe, Grove, Gruver, Guyot,

Hagerman, Hall, Hallock, Hamilton, Hampton, Harden, Harms, Harper, Hart, Harrington, Harris, Hartman, Hatch, Hausen, Hayes, Heckman, hegert, Hepperlin, Herbst, Hetler, Hewitt, Hill, Hilles, Hillison, Hintz, Hoctor, Hodges, Holdren, Holly, Hoover, Horner, Horton, Howell, Hoyle, Hubbard, Huguet, Hulbert, Hullinger, Hunt, Hussey, Hutton, Hyde,

Ingalls, Ives,

Jacobs, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones,

Kaylar, Keeler, Keister, Kennedy, Kersten, Kessler, Kettley, King, Klein, Klostermann, Knight, Koehler, Kreiter,

Lahman, Lamb, Landau, Landis, Latimer, Lauer, Law, Lawrence, Leake, Levan, Lievan, Lindeman, Little, Lloyd, Luce, Lutz, Lyman, Lyon,

Malach, Maloney, Martin, Matteson, McAlpine, McCleary, McCune, McGinnis, McKenney, McKinstry, McMahan, McMartin, McWethy, Means, Mecham, Meister, Mellen, Mensch, Meppen, Merriman, Merriam, Meserole, Messer, Miller, Mills, Missman, Mitchell, Moeller, Mong, Moore, Morgan, Morrill, Morris, Mossholder, Murphy, Murray, Myers,

Nealis, Neir, Nelson, Nickey, Noble, Noe,

Oglesby, Olsen, Ortgiesen,

Paddock, Page, Palmer, Patterson, Petri, Petrie, Pettenger, Petticrew, Phillips, Plummer, Porter, Powell, Powers, Prentice, Prestegard, Preston, Pulver,


Radley, Rafensperger, Ransom, Raymond, Reichard, Reinhart, Reitz, Remmers, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richardson, Richey, Rickard, Riegle, Rikert, Risetter, Roe, Rogers, Rosbrook, Rosenkrans, Root, Ryan, Ryon, Rust,

Sanders, Santee, Sawyer, Schick, Schippert, Schmucker, Schoenholz, Schott, Seavey, Seebach, Senger, Senneff, Seybert, Shank, Shaw, Sheap, Shippee, Shippert, Shoemaker, Shultz, Sitts, Smith, Sneed, Southard, Stager, Stainbrook, Steele, Stenger, Sterling, Stetler, Stevens, Stiles, Stitzel, Stone, Stout, Strader, Straw, Strickland, Stroup, Swartwout, Swarts, Sweitzer, Swigart, Swygart,

Tait, Talcott, Tayler, Thomas, Thompson, Thorp, Thummel, Timothy, Trainer, Treacy, Trostle, Trouth, Trude, Truman, Tuttle,

Uhl, Uline, Utley,

Van Buren, Van Epps, Van Patten, Vaughn, Ventler, Vosburgh, Vroom,

Wagner, Walker, Warner, Ward, Wasson, Watson, Weigle, Weise, Weishaar, Wells, Welty, Wernick, Wertman, Wetherbee, Weyburn, Whitney, Will, Williams, Williamson, Willman, Wilson, Wiltse, Wingert, Withey, Wood, Woodford, Wooley,

Yates, Yetter, Zug

Portrait and Biographical Record of Lee County, Illinois
Containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens,
together with biographies of all the governors of the state and of the presidents of the United States.
Published by Biographical Pub. Co., Chicago, IL, 1892, 854 pgs
Biographical Surnames (not a complete index)

For corrections or additions, please contact me: State Coordinator

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